[. . .An ultra lightweight plastic media installation. . .]
Prōtóplasto is an ultralight media installation exhibited at the innovation hub “Futurama” in Aargau, Switzerland. It is created with a novel constructive system pairing two new technologies: an innovative 3D printing method for polymers with very high build up rates which are similar to concrete extrusion, and 3D printed connections whose bespoke geometry enables support-free self-interlockingassembly of modular components. The word Prōtóplasto stems from the Greek word “πρωτόπλαστος” (prōtóplastos) meaning “the first formed”.
Prōtóplasto aims to introduce a new perspective on the use of plastics in architecture. The exemplary structure leverages multiple digital fabrication technologies in order to achieve moldless and waste-free construction. Protoplasto is designed entirely with custom computational tools that establish design and fabrication relations of its subparts, allowing the designer to adapt its form to different settings and locations.
Prōtóplasto is a temporary media installation that explores the themes of transparency and lightweight construction, introducing innovative approaches to both on-site and off-site fabrication. Embedded in every aspect of the pavilion—from its initial concept to its geometric articulation and manufacturing methods—design computation plays a crucial role. This integration promotes a multi-scalar exploration of geometry and materials, with a high degree of prefabrication. The resulting system enables a custom, modular construction process that does not require any scaffolding during assembly. Moreover, the pavilion is designed for disassembly, ensuring that all materials can be separated and recycled, or repurposed.